What is the current format for number plates?
The current style number plates format consists of two letters, followed by two numbers, and ending with three letters. This format was introduced in 2001 and is used across the United Kingdom. It allows for a wide range of combinations and makes number plates easily identifiable and traceable.
A guide to the Current Registration Format
On 1st September 2001, registrations took on a new format.The new registration format combined with new rules for the display and construction of acrylic number plates will make number plates easier to read and remember.

Two letter regional identifier.
The first two letters of the registration show the region where the vehicle was first registered. This will help with the recall of registrations and the identification of vehicles.
» The first letter represents the region
» And, the second relates to a DVLA * Local Office.
Two number age identifier
The age identifier will change every six months in March and September. In the above example, "12" represents the 6 month period from March 2012 to August 2012. For a full list of Number Plate Series Release Dates and Age Identifiers.
Three random letters
The three random letters provide a random element to make each registration unique.
Combinations that may be considered offensive as well as the Letters "I" and "Q" will be excluded from this element of the registration.