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Cherished Number Plates Search

To find a list of private registrations that meet your requirements, just indicate the desired number of digits, letters, or numbers. This search method is particularly useful for potential investors who are seeking affordable cherished dateless plates..

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Prefix Private Registration Plates

Prefix number plates are a popular and eye-catching style of vehicle registration. They were issued between 1983 and 2001, and the prefix indicates the year of registration. The first letter on the plate signifies the year in which the vehicle was registered, followed by a unique combination of numbers and letters. Prefix plates have become highly sought after due to their distinct design and age-related significance. Additionally, they offer personalisation options for drivers looking to add a unique touch to their vehicles.

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Suffix Private Plates

Suffix style registration plates were introduced in 1963 and were in use till 1983. The registration plates comprise three letters, one to three numbers, and a final letter indicating the year of registration, starting with "A" for 1963, "B" for 1964, and so on. If you are interested in purchasing a suffix private plate, you can utilise our easy-to-use suffix plate builder that provides instant results at an unbeatable price. With our platform, you can customise your plate by selecting your preferred letters and numbers to create a unique registration that reflects your personality. Our suffix plates are high-quality and legal for use on UK roads, so you can be sure of getting a great value for your money.

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Current Style Car Registrations

The existing style of number plates is made up of seven characters. It starts with two letters, followed by a two-digit number and ends with three more letters. These registration plates can still be used to spell out words, for example: DE51 RED. This type of new number plate allows for a much larger number of combinations compared to the previous versions that were available before 2001. However, the letters "I" and "Q" are not allowed, but the letter "Z" can appear as part of the last three characters.

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Private Plates Buyers FAQS

Buyer's Questions

  1. Why are some prices subject to VAT?

    If the registration is presently owned by a VAT registered company or individual, VAT is added.

  2. How can I pay for my New Reg?

    You can pay using any of the following:
    payment types accepted by newreg
    Or, alternatively on Finance provided by Etika Finance.
    Cheque (please allow a minimum of 7 working days for clearance), Postal Order or Bankers Draft. Alternatively, you can pay using online banking

    Payment Information:
    Banker:Barclays Bank Plc
    Account Name:New Reg Limited
    Account Number:10233544
    Sort Code:20-69-85
    Reference:Your New Reg.

  3. How long does a private registration transfer take?

    This can vary. A vehicle to vehicle transfer usually takes approximately 2-4 weeks whereas numbers held on certificate can often be assigned virtually instantly. We ensure that every transfer is completed as quickly as possible but we cannot commence the transfer until we receive ALL the required documents. We take great care of your documents but cannot accept any responsibility for their safety once forwarded to the DVLA.

    On rare occasions the donor vehicle may be called by DVLA for an inspection which can result in delays. Please be assured we will let you know if this is the case.

  4. Does the price include a vehicle?

    No. You are only buying the registration mark and the right to transfer it to a suitable vehicle of your choice.

  5. Does the price include the Physical Plates?

    No. However, New Reg is registered with the DVLA as a Registered Number Plate Supplier to supply road legal number plates inline with the British Standard - BS AU, offering a highly competitive and convenient manufacture and delivery service.

  6. Is it possible to transfer a registration mark to a vehicle with a 'Q' prefix?

    Unfortunately, transfers are not possible to 'Q' registered vehicles. At present 'Q' prefix registration marks are non-transferable.

  7. If my vehicle is new and unregistered, can I transfer a New Reg to it?

    Yes, this is possible in most cases but you should check with us before purchasing your New Reg.

  8. Can a private registration be transferred from a car to a motorbike?

    Yes. All motorbikes (including mopeds) can participate freely, provided the normal requirements of the number transfer facility are met.

  9. Can I put any personalised plate on my vehicle?

    The rule is that; you cannot make a vehicle look newer than it is by transferring a younger year letter. For example, ABC 8W cannot be transferred to a vehicle originally registered as NDF 715P as this would make it look younger.The same applies to 'S' prefix registration marks, these can only be assigned to vehicles first registered as new on or after the 1st of August 1998. Vehicle registration marks that do not contain a year identifier may be assigned to a vehicle of any age.

    If you purchase a 21 current style registration mark, it can only be assigned to a vehicle first registered as new on or after 1st March 2021.

  10. What happens to my current registration when I transfer to a New Reg?

    It's automatically made void, unless you pay the DVLA a fee to retain it. Further information on retaining your old registration mark can be found on our website under Services > Retention Scheme.

  11. My V5C says my registration mark is 'non-transferable'. Can I transfer a New Reg onto my vehicle?

    Yes. The vehicle can receive a registration number providing the non-transferable number is not a Q' mark but you cannot transfer the non-transferable number to another vehicle or put it on retention.

  12. What happens if I need to tax or MOT my vehicle while the registration transfer is being processed?

    You will need to wait for the transfer to be completed. If there is a problem, then you will be notified by the DVLA.

  13. If the recipient vehicle already has a private registration mark can I transfer both at the same time?

    Yes, no problem, this is a double transfer. All we need are the documents from the third vehicle involved and an extra £80.00 (cheque payable to DVLA) along with a V317 application form and our additional administration fee, currently £29.40. If no third vehicle is available, then the registration mark can be retained on a retention certificate in accordance with the governing regulations. The current fee is £80.00 which is to be supplied with a V317 application form and our additional administration fee, currently £29.40.

  14. Does my Vehicle need to be inspected?

    Not usually. However, if, for example, there has been a change of construction of the vehicle, the authorities may then want to inspect it. You will be notified by the DVLA if this were necessary.

  15. How can I find out about the status of my number plate transfer?

    Please email or call 01772 566400 (option 2).

  16. I paid a deposit by credit card but would now like to pay the balance also by credit card. Is this okay?

    Yes. You can pay the outstanding balance by credit card, we just need your written confirmation to debit the outstanding amount from your credit card.

  17. What happens to my payment if I change my mind before the transfer has been completed and I no longer want the registration mark I have agreed to buy from you?

    We expect all purchase agreements to be honoured, just as you expect us to honour our terms & conditions. However, we do recognise that situations can change and we'll advertise and re-sell the registration on a reduced commission basis on your behalf but only after payment has been made in full. This arrangement is subject to our commission terms which may be found on our website under Valuations > Valuation Terms & Conditions.

  18. Do I have to keep the registration on my vehicle for a certain time before I can transfer it again?

    There are no time restrictions and transferring a registration is a simple procedure which may be completed by yourself. Please note that any registration mark purchased from us must not be offered for re-sale until our transaction with you has been finalised.

Trustpilot - The UK's most trusted private number plate supplier.

New Reg Limited are authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority (No. 626225).

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