help_outlineHow much will MO11 BMW cost?chevron_right
MO11 BMW is available for a total cost of £1325.00. This breaks down as follows: £1,245.00 plus £80 Government transfer fee and VAT.
You can buy this registration number today by calling one of our sales team on 01772 566400 or buy it online here.
help_outlineWhat if I'm not prepared to transfer yet?chevron_right
If not, it may be possible to hold MO11 BMW on a Retention Certificate indefinitely.
help_outlineHow fast until completion?chevron_right
Taking ownership can be agreed in a matter of minutes ensuring that you don't miss the chance to secure MO11 BMW. The actual transfer should be completed within 10 days but delays can be experienced at busy times*. In addition, New Reg can also supply you with a set of acrylic number plates for the receiving vehicle within just a few days, saving you from having to make a special trip to the garage.
help_outlineBuying MO11 BMW as a gift?chevron_right
If you are buying MO11 BMW as a gift for someone else, New Reg will send your communication in plain envelopes. Experienced New Reg staff will then coordinate the entire transfer to the relevant vehicle if requested to do so. If you're still unsure, or have another question, please don't hesitate to call us on 01772 566400.